Merger by incorporation of FRANCO MARTEGANI S.R.L. into DRAGOTTI & ASSOCIATI S.R.L.

We are pleased to announce that the merger by incorporation of FRANCO MARTEGANI S.R.L. (“FMA”) into DRAGOTTI & ASSOCIATI S.R.L. (“DEA”) will be effective from December 1st, 2023. 

This important step represents the conclusion of a journey started in June 2022 with the acquisition of 100% of the capital of FMA by DEA, and further consolidates our presence in the field of industrial property consultancy in Italy.

Dragotti & Associati, with a history dating back to 1978 and a consolidated presence with offices in Milan and Treviso, enthusiastically welcomes the integration of FMA’s highly qualified team. The working group resulting from this merger includes over 30 employees and collaborators, including patent and trademark attorneys, lawyers and assistants specialized in industrial and intellectual property.

The President of the Board of Directors and CEO of DEA, Dr. Roberto Pistolesi, together with Eng. Gianfranco Dragotti, founder of DEA and honorary president, will coordinate the merger process between the two companies with the aim not only of strengthening our position in the sector but of generating new opportunities and advantages for all our customers.

For any questions or further information regarding this operation, do not hesitate to contact us at the following contacts:

Roberto PistolesiCEO and head of Patent dept.
Giulia LavizzariHead of Trademark dept.
Andrea BalsamoHead of Design dept.
Andrea StortiCFO
(ref: Rossella Cribiù)