31 January 2025
With deep sadness, the team at Dragotti & Associati announces the passing of our founder, Gianfranco Dragotti, on January 23, 2025, at the age of 86. His loss is profoundly felt by our firm, the intellectual property community, and all who had the privilege of knowing him.
12 November 2024
The TRIPs Agreement (The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) is an annex to the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO).
14 October 2024
Filing a patent application is the first step in obtaining patent protection for an invention.
09 September 2024
In the realm of global invention protection, the European patent is one of the most sought-after options for securing coverage in multiple member countries through a single application process.
12 August 2024
This article explores the most common errors in trademark registration and provides tips for effective trademark protection.
22 July 2024
In today’s ever-evolving business world, maintaining a fresh and relevant corporate image is essential for long-term success.
20 June 2024
In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, characterized by fierce competition and rapid technological advancements, a strong brand is a vital asset for success.
Cases and examples
22 April 2024
The copying of original products (which may concern, depending on the case, the infringement of patents, designs and models, and even trademarks) represents a real scourge that infects the economic and social fabric of our time. This is not only a serious problem for companies that invest in research, development and innovation, but also sometimes a danger to the health and safety of consumers.
23 November 2023
We are pleased to announce that the merger by incorporation of FRANCO MARTEGANI S.R.L. ("FMA") into DRAGOTTI & ASSOCIATI S.R.L. ("DEA") will be effective from December 1st, 2023...
03 October 2022
Roberto Pistolesi, partner and CEO of Dragotti & Associati, has been elected President of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Consultants.
14 July 2022
Dragotti & Associati has perfected the acquisition of Franco Martegani, a renowned intellectual property consultancy firm based in Monza.
11 February 2021
Dear Sirs, we would like to give you the main insights into what will happen to your European/Community rights when Brexit comes into effect.
18 March 2020
Following recommendations from the Italian Government, we have decided to implement home office: to urgently contact us, we suggest to use this list of cellular phones.
16 January 2018
Milano, 6 febbraio 2018 - (14:15 - 18:15)
01 July 2019
The Regulation (EU) No 2019/933, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on June 11, 2019, will enter into force on July 1st, 2019.The Regulation, which amends Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for medicinal products, seeks to strike a balance between the rights of producers of generics and biosimilars established in the Union and those of producers based outside the Union.The Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 provides for extension of the term of a patent relating to protection of medicinal products subject to Marketing Authorization by five years (there is a further 6-month extension of patent protection for pediatric pharmaceuticals).The absence in Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 of any exception to the protection conferred by an SCP has had the unintended consequence of preventing producers of generics and biosimilars established in the Union from manufacturing generics and biosimilars in the Union, even for the purpose of export to third-country markets in which protection does not exist or has expired. Likewise, producers are prevented from manufacturing generics and biosimilars for the purpose of storing them for a limited period before expiry of an SPC.The aim of the new Regulation is to promote the competitiveness of the Union, preventing relocation of pharmaceutical research outside the Union, thereby enhancing growth and job creation in the internal market and contributing to a wider supply of products under uniform conditions, by allowing producers of generics and biosimilars established in the Union to compete, on the one hand, in rapidly developing global markets in which protection does not exist or has expired and, on the other, in the Union market upon expiry of the SPC.To that end the new art. 5 of Regulation (EU) No 2019/933 provides for an exception to the protection conferred by an SPC so as to allow the manufacturing of a product, or a medicinal product containing that active principle, for the purpose of export to third countries in which protection of the original product does not exist or has expired, or of storing (i.e. for supply immediately after expiry of the patent protection), and any related acts including: possessing; offering to supply; supplying; importing; using or synthesizing an active ingredient for the purpose of making a medicinal product; or temporary storing or advertising for the exclusive purpose of export to third-country destinations.
Cases and examples
22 March 2019
The CJEU has just issued the judgement in the C-443/17 case (Abraxane).
Cases and examples
08 February 2019
With a decision dated May 1, 2017, the CAFC ruled that a commercial agreement concerning a specific pharmaceutical composition and the related dosages, in combination with a press release announcing the existence of the agreement without disclosing the technical details thereof, is an obstacle to the patentability of the pharmaceutical composition, although the claimed characteristics were not disclosed in the agreement.
07 December 2018
Il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, ha reso noto che è stato rifinanziato il programma di agevolazioni alle imprese per favorire la registrazione di marchi dell'Unione europea ed internazionali Marchi+3.
Disclosures that are alleged to be “prior art” may sometimes have uncertain status.
05 October 2015
Mr. Gianfranco Dragotti, president and founder of Dragotti & Associati, has been appointed co-chair of AIPPI's Standing Committee on PCT.
08 July 2015
We inform you that the Italian Government officially confirmedItaly's adherence to the unitary patent.
05 June 2015
the Specialized Section of the Turin Court confirmed that the Italian portion of AstraZeneca’s European patent EP907364B1 is invalid since it lacks inventive step.